著者 |
発表者 |
招待 講演 |
講演番号 |
ショートタイトル |
予稿集本文 |
ABE, Shota |
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R005-P21 |
Calculation of attenuation of the ordinary and extraordinary waves in the ionosphere |
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ABE, Shuji |
R006-P05 |
Large-scale statistical analysis of the magneto-ionospheric current system from QZS-1 and MAGDAS |
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R010-P04 |
Current Status of the YOTSUBA-KULOVER Satellite for Precise Geomagnetic Observations |
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R011-06 |
Release of the cross-disciplinary research database AMIDER |
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R011-07 |
Metadata and DOI registrations of GAIA simulation data |
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R011-09 |
Metadata conversion and registration in institutional repositories to improve data availability |
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R011-P01 |
Recent activity of the IUGONET project: Update of metadata, data analysis tools and systems |
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R011-P02 |
Data distribution activities with library |
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ABE, Takumi |
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R005-08 |
Development of suprathermal ion source to calibrate space-based plasma instrument |
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R005-09 |
Examination of the method to derive the electric current in the sporadic E layer |
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R005-P34 |
Measurements of the neutral and ionized atmospheres around Es by a sounding rocket: RIDE campaign |
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R005-P35 |
Estimation of Wake Effects in Observations Using a Langmuir Probe on a Sounding Rocket |
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R005-P36 |
On performance evaluation of ion drift velocity analyzer |
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R005-P39 |
Wideband impedance probe for measurements of LHR in the ionosphere - Lessons Learned in SS-520-3 |
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ABO, Makoto |
R005-02 |
Investigation on K variations during wintertime observed at Syowa Station, Antarctic |
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R005-11 |
Sporadic Ca{sup}+{/sup} layer observed at 100-170 km over Syowa during geomagnetic quiet condition |
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AHN, Hyeon-seon |
R004-04 |
Archeointensity increase in Japan estimated from Middle and Late Yayoi potteries of 250 BCE to 50 CE |
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AIZAWA, Koki |
R003-P05 |
Analysis of Long-Period MT Data using LEMI recording equipment in the Kii Peninsula |
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R006-27 |
Statistical analysis of the characteristic magnetic structure in Mercury's nightside magnetosphere |
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R011-08 |
Development of BepiColombo/MMO data archive |
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AKAIKE, Yosui |
R006-P28 |
Repetition period of REP and chorus observed during the conjunction event of ISS/CALET and Arase |
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AKITA, Daisuke |
S001-10 |
Preliminary results of LODEWAVE Phase II |
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AKIYAMA, Hiroaki |
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S001-05 |
Continuous Human Resource Development Initiatives using Stratospheric Balloon Experiments. |
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R008-18 |
A study of fast magnetic reconnection models by multi-hierarchy simulation |
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ALEXA, Halford |
R006-P23 |
Over-darking of diffuse/pulsating aurora: LAMP sounding rocket observation |
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R007-04 |
A New Scheme of GS Equation-Based Analysis for Expanding Interplanetary Flux Ropes |
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ALISON, Jaynes |
R006-P23 |
Over-darking of diffuse/pulsating aurora: LAMP sounding rocket observation |
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ALLISON, Jaynes N. |
R006-P44 |
Results of the auroral camera on the LAMP1 rocket and development of the LAMP2 rocket camera |
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AMADA, Kotaro |
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R009-07 |
Estimations of the atmospheric transport velocity of Uranus using telescope observations. |
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AMANO, Takanobu |
R006-05 |
Magnetic storms of a weakly magnetized planet based on global inner magnetospheric simulations |
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R008-13 |
Investigating wave generation mechanisms by shock-reflected electrons at quasi-perpendicular shocks |
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R008-14 |
Evaluation of Electron Heating Efficiency by Buneman Instability in Relativistic Shock Waves |
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R008-15 |
Electron Heating in Relativistic Collisionless Shocks |
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R008-16 |
Ion-driven and electron-driven waves in Earth's bow shock |
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AMITA, Kazuhiro |
R003-P02 |
Experimental study of the self-potential measurement on water surface at a natural spring site |
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ANAI, Chisato |
R004-04 |
Archeointensity increase in Japan estimated from Middle and Late Yayoi potteries of 250 BCE to 50 CE |
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R004-11 |
Scanning SQUID microscope: Development of post-processing software |
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R004-P13 |
Fundamental research on the magnetic properties of sediments from the Thu Bon River in Vietnam |
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ANDO, Hiroki |
R009-22 |
Variations of tropopause height and gravity waves in the Venusian atmosphere |
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R009-P29 |
Synoptic-scale vortices in the lower cloud layer reproduced by AFES-Venus GCM |
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R009-P30 |
Long-term variations of temperature and H2SO4 gas mixing ratio in the Venusian atmosphere |
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ANDO, Yoshiaki |
R005-P03 |
Polar mesospheric cloud variations from 2015 to 2024 observed by Himawari-8/9 |
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R005-P04 |
A method for atmospheric temperature profile estimation by Himawari-8/AHI limb-sounding |
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ANDOH, Satoshi |
R005-P34 |
Measurements of the neutral and ionized atmospheres around Es by a sounding rocket: RIDE campaign |
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R005-P41 |
The role of metal ion transport in the sporadic E layer occurrence in the Summer Southern Hemisphere |
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R010-13 |
Development of Upper Atmospheric Assimilative Model using GAIA |
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ANDRIES, Jesse |
S002-13 |
Space weather impact on meteorological satellites and their operations during May 10-13, 2024 |
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AOKI, Shohei |
R009-14 |
Role of the regolith-atmosphere interaction on the water cycle simulated with a Mars GCM |
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R009-20 |
Distributions of SO2 and unidentified UV absorber retrieved using UV images taken by Akatsuki UVI |
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AOKI, Takeshi |
R005-P08 |
Development of a the time-delayed multi-beam observation method applied to the Tromso Na lidar |
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AOYAMA, Tadashi |
R005-20 |
A short period Pc3 pulsation possibly caused by a Lamb wave and plasmaspheric cavity resonance |
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ARAI, Madoka |
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R006-P28 |
Repetition period of REP and chorus observed during the conjunction event of ISS/CALET and Arase |
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ARAI, Shori |
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R008-17 |
A preferential positron acceleration in relativistic magnetized electron-ion-positron shocks |
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ARAKI, Daichi |
R006-P20 |
Investigation of the Plasma Environment Responsible for Spacecraft Surface Charging |
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R006-P21 |
Investigation of the relationship between satellite surface charging and chorus waves |
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ARIMA, Kirara |
R009-P14 |
Time variations in the atmosphere of Titan caused by its orbital motion |
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ARISAWA, Toyoshi |
R005-P27 |
HF Doppler Observation System with FMCW Ranging: System Design and preliminary observations |
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ASA, Satyagraha |
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R009-P16 |
Development of Analytical Model Generalized for Exoplanetary Auroral Radio Emission |
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ASAMURA, Kazushi |
R006-06 |
Origins of chorus waves in the inner magnetosphere |
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R006-13 |
Magnetospheric source of auroral emission at subauroral latitudes using Arase and ground imagers |
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R006-18 |
The source altitude distribution and heating property of electron conics |
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R006-19 |
The correlation between the luminosity variation of PsA and energy spectra |
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R006-22 |
Development of a small-size and wide-FOV electron analyzer for CubeSat to measure auroral electrons |
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R006-23 |
Newly development of an ion energy-mass spectrometer for observations of suprathermal ions |
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R006-29 |
Energy and pitch angle dispersed ion injections from the magnetotail during storms observed by Arase |
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R006-P12 |
Statistical survey of Ion 3D velocity distribution functions observed by the Arase satellite |
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R006-P13 |
Variations of He++ Ions in the inner magnetosphere at Different L-Shells: Arase LEP-i Observations |
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R006-P14 |
Spatial distribution of low-energy (<1 keV) O+ plasma in the inner magnetosphere |
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R006-P23 |
Over-darking of diffuse/pulsating aurora: LAMP sounding rocket observation |
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R006-P26 |
Statistical Survey of Dayside Energetic Electron Precipitation in the Inner Magnetosphere |
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R006-P32 |
Noon-midnight difference in latitudinal occurrence of chorus waves observed by Arase |
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R006-P33 |
Chorus wave activity at marginal condition of electron temperature anisotropy instability |
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R006-P42 |
Development of a Multifunctional ASIC for Plasma Particle Detectors on board Satellites |
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R006-P44 |
Results of the auroral camera on the LAMP1 rocket and development of the LAMP2 rocket camera |
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R009-P02 |
Performance of the Engineering Model of TRITON for LUPEX |
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R009-P06 |
Engineering model of the ion mass spectrometer for the Comet Interceptor mission |
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R009-P22 |
Calibration test of an ion energy mass spectrum analyzer onboard the MMX spacecraft |
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R010-07 |
Solar Wind Parameter Dependence of the Radiation Belt Electron Flux Variations using the XAI |
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* |
R010-09 |
Development of Radiation Monitors for Space Weather (RMS) on Geostationary Earth Orbit Satellite |
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S002-06 |
Ring current development observed by the Arase satellite during the May 2024 super geomagnetic storm |
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S002-07 |
Arase satellite observations of the radiation belts for the May 2024 geospace storm |
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ASAWA, Yuto |
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R006-P09 |
An Empirical Plasmapause Model using Arase/PWE Data and Machine Learning |
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ASHIKITA, Takuya |
R011-09 |
Metadata conversion and registration in institutional repositories to improve data availability |
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R011-P02 |
Data distribution activities with library |
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auroraXcosmic project |
R010-14 |
Development of all-sky camera network over Antarctica |
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AUSTER, Hans-ulrich |
R009-P18 |
Magnetic field experiment by JUICE J-MAG and sensor alignment evaluation at the lunar-Earth flyby |
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R010-P02 |
Multipoint spacecraft measurements of the ICME structure in October 2021 |
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AYUMI, Kobayashi |
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R009-P12 |
Crystal Structure of NaCl on Europa's Surface Based on Plasma Irradiation Experiments |
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