著者 |
発表者 |
招待 講演 |
講演番号 |
ショートタイトル |
予稿集本文 |
OBANA, Yuki |
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R006-04 |
Relationship Between Plasmapause Position and Solar Wind Electric Field Ey |
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R011-P09 |
Automatic Detection of Field Line Resonances in Geomagnetic Data Using Deep Learning |
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S002-08 |
Ionospheric convection associated with low-latitude auroras - SuperDARN HOP radars observations |
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S002-09 |
Anomalous Increase in Plasma Mass Density Observed during the 2024 Mother's Day Storm |
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S002-P08 |
Southern hemispheric aurora during the Mother's day storm |
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OBATA, Takumi |
R003-P03 |
Study of Tide-Induced Electromagnetic Field Response in the Kikai Caldera Sea Area |
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ODA, Hirokuni |
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R004-11 |
Scanning SQUID microscope: Development of post-processing software |
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OGAWA, Takayo |
R005-02 |
Investigation on K variations during wintertime observed at Syowa Station, Antarctic |
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R005-04 |
Gravity waves observed by OH arirglow imaging at Rio Gallegos, Argentina, near Andes |
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R005-11 |
Sporadic Ca{sup}+{/sup} layer observed at 100-170 km over Syowa during geomagnetic quiet condition |
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OGAWA, Takuro |
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R006-27 |
Statistical analysis of the characteristic magnetic structure in Mercury's nightside magnetosphere |
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OGAWA, Tsutomu |
R003-P05 |
Analysis of Long-Period MT Data using LEMI recording equipment in the Kii Peninsula |
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S002-P06 |
Westward geomagnetic change accompanying a magnetic storm in May 2024 |
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OGAWA, Yasunobu |
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R005-05 |
EISCAT_3D and Japan's Activities |
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R005-12 |
Features of disturbances in the dayside polar ionosphere during geomagnetically quiet periods |
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R005-13 |
Upper thermospheric orthohelium variations associated with a moderate storm on February 2023 |
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R005-P13 |
N2+ upflow measurement through 427.8-nm aurora by an FPI: Model calculation for measurement errors |
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R005-P14 |
Spatio-temporal variations in non-propagating and poleward propagating pulsating auroras |
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R006-11 |
Multi-instrument observations of polar rain aurora |
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R006-14 |
Dependence of auroral morphology on the relative distance to the substorm onset location |
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R006-19 |
The correlation between the luminosity variation of PsA and energy spectra |
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R006-20 |
Investigation of Omega Band Auroras: Ground and Magnetospheric Conjugate Observations |
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R006-21 |
Estimation of energy of precipitation electrons during magnetic storms |
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R006-P18 |
Improvement in efficiency of auroral 3D analysis |
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R006-P22 |
Study of Auroral Fine Scale Structure Using High Spatio-Temporal Resolution Optical Observations |
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R006-P24 |
Statistical analysis of pulsating auroras and high-latitude propagation of chorus waves |
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S002-P13 |
Frequency dependence of CNA due to various sources observed by spectral riometers |
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OGAWA, Yasuo |
R003-01 |
Time series analysis of EM-ACROSS observations at Inferno Crater Lake, New Zealand |
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R003-04 |
MT explorations of the three-dimensional electrical resistivity structure under the Nikko-Ashio area |
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R003-P05 |
Analysis of Long-Period MT Data using LEMI recording equipment in the Kii Peninsula |
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OGINO, Kohei |
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R009-04 |
Solar wind interaction with multiple lunar magnetic anomalies: Kaguya low-altitude observations |
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R009-P03 |
A search for magnetic reconnection signatures on lunar crustal magnetic fields |
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OGINO, Shin-ya |
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S001-03 |
High-altitude radiosonde observations using large rubber balloons |
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OGOHARA, Kazunori |
R009-19 |
Non-hydrostatic global simulations of the Venus atmosphere: effects of vertical convection |
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OHAE, Chiaki |
R005-01 |
Laser method of precisely observing the transition region: Resonance-scattering Ca/Ca+ lidar |
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R005-P09 |
Ca/Ca+ resonance-scattering lidar for measuring dynamics in MLT region with a high resolution |
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OHATA, Hajime |
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R009-P19 |
Test observations of natural lights by the mid-IR heterodyne spectrometer with the fiber coupler |
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OHNO, Masao |
R004-04 |
Archeointensity increase in Japan estimated from Middle and Late Yayoi potteries of 250 BCE to 50 CE |
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OHNO, Nobuaki |
R008-05 |
Visualizations of Regular Tetrahedral Dynamo Simulation |
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OHTANI, Shinichi |
R010-15 |
Statistical analysis of electromagnetic field response during substorms on day and night sides |
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OHYA, Hiroyo |
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R005-22 |
D-region ionospheric response to the 2024 Noto earthquake using OCTAVE LF transmitter signals |
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R005-P21 |
Calculation of attenuation of the ordinary and extraordinary waves in the ionosphere |
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R005-P26 |
Analysis of Ionospheric Disturbances Associated with Typhoon Using HFD Observations and Softbank TEC |
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S002-P12 |
Oscillation in the D-region ionosphere during a X5.89 class solar flare |
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OKA, Mitsuo |
R008-01 |
On the flattop velocity distributions |
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R008-P03 |
Electron acceleration efficiency by magnetic surfing at non-relativistic shocks |
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OKADA, Makoto |
R004-02 |
A paleomagnetic record across the upper boundary of the Kaena reversed subchron |
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OKAMOTO, Hiroyuki |
R006-P20 |
Investigation of the Plasma Environment Responsible for Spacecraft Surface Charging |
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R006-P21 |
Investigation of the relationship between satellite surface charging and chorus waves |
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OKAMOTO, Maiko |
R011-09 |
Metadata conversion and registration in institutional repositories to improve data availability |
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OKAMURA, Nanako |
R011-09 |
Metadata conversion and registration in institutional repositories to improve data availability |
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OKIYAMA, Taishin |
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R009-11 |
Effects of magnetic field structure on the Martian diffuse aurora |
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OKUBO, Ryosuke |
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R010-12 |
Solar Hydrogen Lyman line emissions from solar flares and their effects on the Earth's ionosphere |
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OKUDA, Ryuichi |
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R005-09 |
Examination of the method to derive the electric current in the sporadic E layer |
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OKUMURA, Nobuaki |
R009-P25 |
Abiotic synthesis of peptides driven by the SEP in early Martian and terrestrial atmospheres |
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OKUMURA, Teppei |
R006-P20 |
Investigation of the Plasma Environment Responsible for Spacecraft Surface Charging |
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R006-P21 |
Investigation of the relationship between satellite surface charging and chorus waves |
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OMURA, Yoshiharu |
R006-P37 |
Energetic electron dynamics caused by whistler-mode chorus in the Earth's inner magnetosphere |
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R008-06 |
Nonlinear wave growth theory of chorus emissions with Kappa distribution electrons |
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R008-P07 |
Parametric dependence of nonlinear wave growth of whistler-mode hiss emissions |
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R009-02 |
Whistler-driven electron precipitation by asymmetric loss cone in Mercury's miniature magnetosphere |
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ONDREJ, Santolik |
R006-P35 |
Study of propagation characteristics of EMIC wave using multipoint observation by Arase and Cluster |
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ONO, Tatsuharu |
R005-07 |
Next-generation atmospheric observation system by micro-/nano-satellites |
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R009-17 |
Development of Planetary Lightning Detector (PLD) and Venusian lightning Model |
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* |
S001-07 |
Long-duration continuous observation of planets by the circumpolar stratospheric telescope FUJIN |
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OOHIRA, Tsukasa |
R011-09 |
Metadata conversion and registration in institutional repositories to improve data availability |
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OSADA, Kazuhiro |
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R006-05 |
Magnetic storms of a weakly magnetized planet based on global inner magnetospheric simulations |
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R009-P30 |
Long-term variations of temperature and H2SO4 gas mixing ratio in the Venusian atmosphere |
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OSHIDA, Kotaro |
R008-P01 |
High-power laser experiment of collisionless shock generation using light gases |
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OSHIMAN, Naoto |
R003-P05 |
Analysis of Long-Period MT Data using LEMI recording equipment in the Kii Peninsula |
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OTA, Mamoru |
R006-09 |
Evaluation of a direction finding method using NWC transmitter signals observed by the Arase |
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OTSUJI, Kenichi |
R006-P43 |
Development of Radiation Monitor for Space weather measuring Electrons (RMS-e) for Himawari-10 |
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R010-09 |
Development of Radiation Monitors for Space Weather (RMS) on Geostationary Earth Orbit Satellite |
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OTSUKA, Fumiko |
R006-P01 |
Particle Energization during Dipolarization Substorm Events by Test Particle Simulations |
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R007-P01 |
Machine learning clustering of galactic cosmic ray trajectories in the heliosphere |
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R008-P03 |
Electron acceleration efficiency by magnetic surfing at non-relativistic shocks |
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OTSUKA, Hironori |
R003-P03 |
Study of Tide-Induced Electromagnetic Field Response in the Kikai Caldera Sea Area |
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OTSUKA, Yuichi |
R005-14 |
MAGE model analysis of electric field penetration with a strong substorm on October 24, 2003 |
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R005-15 |
North?south asymmetry during decay phase of midlatitude plasma bubbles during a storm in March 2013 |
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R005-16 |
Statistical study of mid-latitude plasma bubbles based on GNSS and ionosonde observation |
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R005-P20 |
Study of the airglow responses to magnetic storms by mid-latitude ground and satellite observations |
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R005-P32 |
Statistical Analysis of the Local-time Dependence of the Coupling between MSTID and Es-layer |
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R006-13 |
Magnetospheric source of auroral emission at subauroral latitudes using Arase and ground imagers |
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S002-10 |
Electron density variation in the plasmasphere and ionosphere during the May 2024 storm |
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S002-P09 |
Characteristics of low-latitude red/green/blue auroras observed seven times in Japan in 2023-2024 |
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S002-P10 |
TEC Enhancement and Irregularities Over Japan During a Magnetic Storm on May 2024 |
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OUCHI, Masami |
R009-08 |
Current status of LAPYUTA mission |
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OYA, Hiroshi |
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R008-10 |
Confirmation of the ECB-SMBH Concluded by Decameter Radio Pulse from Sgr A* |
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OYAMA, Satoshi |
R011-13 |
Discovery of new governing equations through the application of symbolic regression |
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R011-14 |
Anomaly detection of time series of the energetic proton from the Earth's radiation belt |
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OYAMA, Shin Ichiro |
R005-05 |
EISCAT_3D and Japan's Activities |
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R005-P13 |
N2+ upflow measurement through 427.8-nm aurora by an FPI: Model calculation for measurement errors |
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R006-13 |
Magnetospheric source of auroral emission at subauroral latitudes using Arase and ground imagers |
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R006-14 |
Dependence of auroral morphology on the relative distance to the substorm onset location |
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R006-20 |
Investigation of Omega Band Auroras: Ground and Magnetospheric Conjugate Observations |
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R006-21 |
Estimation of energy of precipitation electrons during magnetic storms |
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R006-P22 |
Study of Auroral Fine Scale Structure Using High Spatio-Temporal Resolution Optical Observations |
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R006-P44 |
Results of the auroral camera on the LAMP1 rocket and development of the LAMP2 rocket camera |
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S002-P13 |
Frequency dependence of CNA due to various sources observed by spectral riometers |
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OZAKI, Mitsunori |
R006-08 |
Analysis of space distribution and propagation properties of low frequency chorus observed by Arase |
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