著者 |
発表者 |
招待 講演 |
講演番号 |
ショートタイトル |
予稿集本文 |
IBRAHIM, Khalil |
R004-09 |
Effects of religious activities on magnetic properties of surface sediments in caldera lakes |
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ICHIKI, Masahiro |
R003-04 |
MT explorations of the three-dimensional electrical resistivity structure under the Nikko-Ashio area |
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R003-05 |
MT study in the southern part of Tohoku region |
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R003-P05 |
Analysis of Long-Period MT Data using LEMI recording equipment in the Kii Peninsula |
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R003-P06 |
AMT exploration of Zao Volcano, NE Japan |
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IDA, Katsumi |
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R006-12 |
Development of Hyperspectral Camera for Auroral Imaging (HySCAI) and first light results |
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IDEI, Shun |
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R010-16 |
Diurnal and Seasonal Variations of Quiet-Time GICs in Japanese Power Transmission Systems |
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IEDA, Akimasa |
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R005-P43 |
Improved Fit of Atomic Oxygen Ion?Neutral Collision Cross Section at Ionospheric Temperatures |
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R006-28 |
Duskward displacement of plasmoids and reconnection in the near-Earth magnetotail |
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R010-12 |
Solar Hydrogen Lyman line emissions from solar flares and their effects on the Earth's ionosphere |
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S002-06 |
Ring current development observed by the Arase satellite during the May 2024 super geomagnetic storm |
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IIJIMA, Haruhisa |
R010-02 |
Characteristics of sunspots that increase the interplanetary magnetic field |
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R010-P01 |
Hinode observation of long-term variation of magnetic fields in the Sun's polar regions |
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IKARI, Satoshi |
R009-P07 |
Examination of the Method to Estimate the Magnetometer Sensor Alignment on Comet Interceptor |
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IKIGAME, Hiromu |
S001-P01 |
Development of a small tethered balloon system for NLC observation. |
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IKOMA, Masahiro |
R009-08 |
Current status of LAPYUTA mission |
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IMADA, Shinsuke |
R008-18 |
A study of fast magnetic reconnection models by multi-hierarchy simulation |
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R010-01 |
One-dimensional numerical simulation and empirical construction of Pseudostreamer |
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R010-04 |
SOLAR-C/Space weather |
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R010-10 |
X-ray Investigation of non-thermal plasma in "X10,000,000-class" flare of the RS CVn binary star |
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IMAI, Masataka |
R009-17 |
Development of Planetary Lightning Detector (PLD) and Venusian lightning Model |
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R009-P29 |
Synoptic-scale vortices in the lower cloud layer reproduced by AFES-Venus GCM |
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S001-07 |
Long-duration continuous observation of planets by the circumpolar stratospheric telescope FUJIN |
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IMAJO, Shun |
R006-03 |
Abrupt changes in Pc1 pulsations observed at the cusp: A event on 5 November 2023 |
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R006-18 |
The source altitude distribution and heating property of electron conics |
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R006-P17 |
Does isotropic proton precipitation correspond to isotropic distribution of magnetospheric protons? |
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R011-09 |
Metadata conversion and registration in institutional repositories to improve data availability |
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R011-16 |
Education of Observation and Data Processing with a Digital Image-Recording Soda Bottle Magnetometer |
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R011-P01 |
Recent activity of the IUGONET project: Update of metadata, data analysis tools and systems |
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S002-07 |
Arase satellite observations of the radiation belts for the May 2024 geospace storm |
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IMAMURA, Takeshi |
R007-10 |
Radio occultation observations of the solar corona by Akatsuki spacecraft from Cycle 24 to 25 |
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R009-18 |
Growth and decline of enormous cloud cover in Venus' night-side |
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R009-20 |
Distributions of SO2 and unidentified UV absorber retrieved using UV images taken by Akatsuki UVI |
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R009-22 |
Variations of tropopause height and gravity waves in the Venusian atmosphere |
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R009-23 |
Temporal Evolution of Mesoscale Structures seen in UV images of the Venusian Cloud Top |
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R009-P28 |
Arsia Mons Elongated Cloud |
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R009-P30 |
Long-term variations of temperature and H2SO4 gas mixing ratio in the Venusian atmosphere |
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R009-P31 |
Image restoration experiment for infrared images of Venus |
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INADA, Kuriko |
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R011-02 |
Metadata-Driven Web Content in DARTS |
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INOUE, Tomohiro |
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R003-03 |
Considerations on the anomalous phases associated with an inclined conductive column |
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IOKA, Kunihito |
R008-09 |
Linearly Polarized Electromagnetic Waves in Electron-Positron Plasmas |
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ISAYAMA, Shogo |
R008-11 |
Study of nonstationary collisionless shock using high-power laser experiment |
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R008-P01 |
High-power laser experiment of collisionless shock generation using light gases |
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R008-P02 |
Study of Collective Thomson Scattering using 2D full Particle-in-cell Simulation |
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R008-P04 |
Relativistic Resonant and Wakefield Acceleration Driven by Large Amplitude Alfven Waves |
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R008-P06 |
Reconstruction of MHD structures of magnetic reconnection using PINNs |
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R008-P11 |
Numerical calculation of plasma-neutral fluid interactions using PINNs |
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ISHI, Daiki |
R006-P45 |
Status of GEO-X mission |
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S002-04 |
XRISM/Xtend Observations of Solar Wind Charge Exchange X-ray Emission Associated with Space Storms |
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S002-05 |
XRISM/Xtend observation of the intense space storm in 2024 May |
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ISHIDA, Saki |
* |
S002-21 |
A weather caster's thoughts on the merits and demerits of aurora reporting |
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ISHIDOYA, Shigeyuki |
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S001-08 |
Systematic observations of greenhouse gases and related constituents in the stratosphere |
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ISHIHARA, Yasuhide |
R010-06 |
Enhancement of an Explainable AI Model for SEP Event Prediction and Analysis of Decision Rationale |
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ISHII, Mamoru |
R005-P31 |
Observations of sporadic E using marine traffic radio waves |
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R011-05 |
Trends in International Organizations related Observational Data |
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S002-16 |
Social Impact by Extreme Space Weather Events during May 2024 |
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ISHII, Satoshi |
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R005-P06 |
Variation of OH Airglow Intensity Associated with EPP in the Polar Mesopause Region |
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R006-P44 |
Results of the auroral camera on the LAMP1 rocket and development of the LAMP2 rocket camera |
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S001-P01 |
Development of a small tethered balloon system for NLC observation. |
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R006-P45 |
Status of GEO-X mission |
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R003-02 |
Continuous EM Field monitoring to Detect Changes in Subsurface Resistivity Structure |
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R004-P05 |
Paleomagnetic field variation during the transitional geomagnetic field from lava sequence |
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R004-P09 |
Paleomagnetic analyses on the Lutzow-Holm Complex at Skalevikshalsen, East Antarctica |
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ISHIMARU, Hiroki |
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R006-18 |
The source altitude distribution and heating property of electron conics |
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R005-P34 |
Measurements of the neutral and ionized atmospheres around Es by a sounding rocket: RIDE campaign |
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R005-P39 |
Wideband impedance probe for measurements of LHR in the ionosphere - Lessons Learned in SS-520-3 |
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R009-19 |
Non-hydrostatic global simulations of the Venus atmosphere: effects of vertical convection |
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ISHIZU, Keiichi |
R003-01 |
Time series analysis of EM-ACROSS observations at Inferno Crater Lake, New Zealand |
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ISODA, Ryunosuke |
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R004-P11 |
Dating Marine Sediment Cores Using Paleomagnetic Intensity Variability |
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ISOGAI, Hirofumi |
S002-P02 |
Interplanetary scintillation observation and predictability of coronal mass ejections in May 2024 |
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ITO, Hodaka |
R009-P08 |
Photoelectron extent estimated from spacecraft potential at electric-field waveform distortion |
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ITO, Ryosuke |
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R003-P04 |
4D inversion method using structural coupling |
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ITO, Soya |
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R004-P10 |
The magnetic anomaly lineation in the West Philippine Basin |
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ITO, Yuri |
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R006-P24 |
Statistical analysis of pulsating auroras and high-latitude propagation of chorus waves |
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IWAI, Kazumasa |
R007-05 |
Development of the phased array antenna system for next generation solar wind observation system |
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R007-06 |
Development of the Analog Receiver System for the Next-generation Solar Wind Observation System |
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R007-07 |
Development of a digital multi-beamformer for a next-generation solar wind observation system |
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R007-08 |
Relationship between the plasma upflow and the solar wind |
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R007-P02 |
Periodic Solar Wind Structure Over Half A Century |
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R007-P03 |
Motion of the source region of the type-II solar radio burst in HF frequency range |
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R010-P02 |
Multipoint spacecraft measurements of the ICME structure in October 2021 |
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R010-P03 |
Solar Microwave Observations with the Yokosuka Radio Polarimeter (YoRP) |
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S002-P01 |
Interaction among multiple CMEs to result in May 2024 Superstorm |
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S002-P02 |
Interplanetary scintillation observation and predictability of coronal mass ejections in May 2024 |
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IWAKIRI, Wataru |
R010-10 |
X-ray Investigation of non-thermal plasma in "X10,000,000-class" flare of the RS CVn binary star |
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IWAMOTO, Masanori |
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R008-09 |
Linearly Polarized Electromagnetic Waves in Electron-Positron Plasmas |
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IWANAKA, Tatsuro |
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R009-20 |
Distributions of SO2 and unidentified UV absorber retrieved using UV images taken by Akatsuki UVI |
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IWASA, Yuki |
R005-13 |
Upper thermospheric orthohelium variations associated with a moderate storm on February 2023 |
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IWASE, Tomoya |
R006-22 |
Development of a small-size and wide-FOV electron analyzer for CubeSat to measure auroral electrons |
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IWATA, Takahiro |
R006-P45 |
Status of GEO-X mission |
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IYEMORI, Toshihiko |
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R005-20 |
A short period Pc3 pulsation possibly caused by a Lamb wave and plasmaspheric cavity resonance |
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R011-P05 |
International Collaborations on Science-Data related Activities in the Asia-Oceania Aeria |
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