著者 |
発表者 |
招待 講演 |
講演番号 |
ショートタイトル |
予稿集本文 |
KERO, Antti |
S002-P13 |
Frequency dependence of CNA due to various sources observed by spectral riometers |
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KIDANE, Tesfaye |
R004-P05 |
Paleomagnetic field variation during the transitional geomagnetic field from lava sequence |
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KIKUCHI, Taiki |
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R005-P13 |
N2+ upflow measurement through 427.8-nm aurora by an FPI: Model calculation for measurement errors |
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KIKUKAWA, Motoyuki |
R006-P42 |
Development of a Multifunctional ASIC for Plasma Particle Detectors on board Satellites |
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KIM, K.-h. |
S002-P05 |
EMIC waves during the May 2024 geomagnetic storm |
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KIMOTO, Yugo |
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S002-15 |
Status of JAXA Low Altitude Satellite and Radiation Environment in May 2024 Event |
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R009-08 |
Current status of LAPYUTA mission |
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R009-P10 |
Observation of Sodium emissions in Jovian moons |
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R009-P12 |
Crystal Structure of NaCl on Europa's Surface Based on Plasma Irradiation Experiments |
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KIMURA, Tomoki |
R005-P01 |
Non-thermal escape of hydrogen atmosphere on early Earth by a 3D multispecies MHD simulation |
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R009-06 |
HF of RPWI aboard JUICE: Lunar-Earth flyby in Aug 2024 and beyond |
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R009-08 |
Current status of LAPYUTA mission |
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R009-16 |
Influence of the solar wind on the hydrogen airglow in the Venusian upper atmosphere by Hisaki |
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R009-P09 |
Plasma parameters at Europa's orbit estimated from the Hisaki observation |
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R009-P12 |
Crystal Structure of NaCl on Europa's Surface Based on Plasma Irradiation Experiments |
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R009-P13 |
Comparison of Titan's atmospheric escape processes by Saturn and Solar winds |
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R009-P16 |
Development of Analytical Model Generalized for Exoplanetary Auroral Radio Emission |
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R009-P21 |
LAPYUTA mission: instrument overview and technical developments |
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R009-P25 |
Abiotic synthesis of peptides driven by the SEP in early Martian and terrestrial atmospheres |
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KINNO, Naoto |
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R007-P03 |
Motion of the source region of the type-II solar radio burst in HF frequency range |
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R007-03 |
The spatio-temporal evolution of the ICME, approached by the comparison of Forbush Decreases |
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KINOSHITA, Takahiro |
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R005-P17 |
Spatial-scale dependence of temporal variability in the mesoscale plasma flow |
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KINOSHITA, Takenari |
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S001-03 |
High-altitude radiosonde observations using large rubber balloons |
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KIRKBY, Alison |
R003-01 |
Time series analysis of EM-ACROSS observations at Inferno Crater Lake, New Zealand |
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R006-P13 |
Variations of He++ Ions in the inner magnetosphere at Different L-Shells: Arase LEP-i Observations |
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S002-06 |
Ring current development observed by the Arase satellite during the May 2024 super geomagnetic storm |
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R006-29 |
Energy and pitch angle dispersed ion injections from the magnetotail during storms observed by Arase |
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KITA, Hajime |
R007-P04 |
Development of a wideband feed system for the solar and planetary radio telescope in Tohoku Univ. |
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R009-06 |
HF of RPWI aboard JUICE: Lunar-Earth flyby in Aug 2024 and beyond |
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R009-16 |
Influence of the solar wind on the hydrogen airglow in the Venusian upper atmosphere by Hisaki |
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R009-P09 |
Plasma parameters at Europa's orbit estimated from the Hisaki observation |
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KITADA, Masunori |
* |
S002-17 |
Impact of a Large Solar Flare in May 2024 on the Positioning Accuracy of High-Precision GNSS |
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R004-P13 |
Fundamental research on the magnetic properties of sediments from the Thu Bon River in Vietnam |
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KITAJIMA, Shinnosuke |
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R010-11 |
Reproduction of electron density in the lower ionosphere during solar flares using PHITS code |
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R010-12 |
Solar Hydrogen Lyman line emissions from solar flares and their effects on the Earth's ionosphere |
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S002-P11 |
Evaluation of electron density variation using PHITS and GAIA models during solar flares in May 2024 |
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KITAMURA, Kentarou |
R006-22 |
Development of a small-size and wide-FOV electron analyzer for CubeSat to measure auroral electrons |
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R006-P20 |
Investigation of the Plasma Environment Responsible for Spacecraft Surface Charging |
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R006-P21 |
Investigation of the relationship between satellite surface charging and chorus waves |
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R006-P29 |
Characteristics of MeV Electron Precipitation Spectra Observed by CALET/CHD |
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R006-P38 |
Accuracy evaluation of near-earth geomagnetic data measured by MGF on board the Arase Satellite |
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R006-P39 |
Development of Magnetometer Calibration System Using a Small Vector and Scalar Magnetometer |
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R010-P04 |
Current Status of the YOTSUBA-KULOVER Satellite for Precise Geomagnetic Observations |
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KITAMURA, Naritoshi |
R011-08 |
Development of BepiColombo/MMO data archive |
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S002-06 |
Ring current development observed by the Arase satellite during the May 2024 super geomagnetic storm |
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S002-07 |
Arase satellite observations of the radiation belts for the May 2024 geospace storm |
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S002-10 |
Electron density variation in the plasmasphere and ionosphere during the May 2024 storm |
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R006-P41 |
Geometry design of orbit deflection mechanisms for field-of-view sweeping in space plasma analyzers. |
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R009-P22 |
Calibration test of an ion energy mass spectrum analyzer onboard the MMX spacecraft |
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KITAOKA, Norihiro |
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R003-01 |
Time series analysis of EM-ACROSS observations at Inferno Crater Lake, New Zealand |
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R009-P25 |
Abiotic synthesis of peptides driven by the SEP in early Martian and terrestrial atmospheres |
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R009-14 |
Role of the regolith-atmosphere interaction on the water cycle simulated with a Mars GCM |
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R009-P27 |
The current state of DRAMATIC MGCM: Towards the multi-scale modeling and data assimilation |
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S002-05 |
XRISM/Xtend observation of the intense space storm in 2024 May |
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R005-01 |
Laser method of precisely observing the transition region: Resonance-scattering Ca/Ca+ lidar |
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R005-P09 |
Ca/Ca+ resonance-scattering lidar for measuring dynamics in MLT region with a high resolution |
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KOCHAKU, Taisuke |
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R010-P07 |
Independent Component Analysis of Pi2 Pulsations to Explore the Substorm M-I Coupling System |
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KOGA, Kiyokazu |
R006-P20 |
Investigation of the Plasma Environment Responsible for Spacecraft Surface Charging |
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R006-P21 |
Investigation of the relationship between satellite surface charging and chorus waves |
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* |
S002-15 |
Status of JAXA Low Altitude Satellite and Radiation Environment in May 2024 Event |
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KOGA, Tadashi |
S002-20 |
Impact of ionospheric activity on air navigation integrity and accuracy in ADS-B |
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KOGI, Nanaka |
R009-P25 |
Abiotic synthesis of peptides driven by the SEP in early Martian and terrestrial atmospheres |
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KOGURE, Masaru |
R005-04 |
Gravity waves observed by OH arirglow imaging at Rio Gallegos, Argentina, near Andes |
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R005-17 |
Observations of Stratospheric Concentric GWs and Concentric TIDs |
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R005-P34 |
Measurements of the neutral and ionized atmospheres around Es by a sounding rocket: RIDE campaign |
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KOHMA, Masashi |
S001-10 |
Preliminary results of LODEWAVE Phase II |
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KOHNO, Daisuke |
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S001-07 |
Long-duration continuous observation of planets by the circumpolar stratospheric telescope FUJIN |
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KOIKE, Haruto |
R005-P17 |
Spatial-scale dependence of temporal variability in the mesoscale plasma flow |
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R006-03 |
Abrupt changes in Pc1 pulsations observed at the cusp: A event on 5 November 2023 |
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R006-15 |
2D distribution of the low-energy electron precipitation from auroral images and its characteristics |
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R006-25 |
Ion heating asymmetry between the tailward and earthward sides of lobe reconnection X-line |
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KOJIMA, Hirotsugu |
R005-08 |
Development of suprathermal ion source to calibrate space-based plasma instrument |
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R005-P34 |
Measurements of the neutral and ionized atmospheres around Es by a sounding rocket: RIDE campaign |
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R005-P36 |
On performance evaluation of ion drift velocity analyzer |
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R005-P38 |
Analog circuit chip dedicated to the Fundamental Mode Orthogonal Fluxgate Magnetometers |
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R005-P39 |
Wideband impedance probe for measurements of LHR in the ionosphere - Lessons Learned in SS-520-3 |
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R006-P32 |
Noon-midnight difference in latitudinal occurrence of chorus waves observed by Arase |
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R006-P34 |
Frequency spectram of electrostatic waves driven by chorus waves observed by the Arase satellite |
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R006-P40 |
Development of the miniaturized and low-power plasma wave receiver for use on CubeSat |
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R006-P42 |
Development of a Multifunctional ASIC for Plasma Particle Detectors on board Satellites |
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R008-P13 |
Detection of dust impact-like signals by electric field instrument onboard the ARTEMIS satellites |
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R009-06 |
HF of RPWI aboard JUICE: Lunar-Earth flyby in Aug 2024 and beyond |
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KOJO, Yuki |
R005-11 |
Sporadic Ca{sup}+{/sup} layer observed at 100-170 km over Syowa during geomagnetic quiet condition |
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R005-P29 |
Horizontal structures and movements of sporadic E layers observed with ionosonde receiver networks |
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KOMATSU, Shintaro |
R003-02 |
Continuous EM Field monitoring to Detect Changes in Subsurface Resistivity Structure |
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KONDO, Takeru |
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R008-07 |
Pitch angle diffusion coefficient of relativistic electrons using a matrix calculation in plasmas |
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R009-02 |
Whistler-driven electron precipitation by asymmetric loss cone in Mercury's miniature magnetosphere |
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KONDO, Takumi |
R005-P29 |
Horizontal structures and movements of sporadic E layers observed with ionosonde receiver networks |
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S002-P07 |
Ionospheric variations observed at Syowa Station, Antarctica during the May 2024 space weather event |
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KONDOH, Koji |
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R010-05 |
Temporal change of high reconnection rate environment in the solar coronal magnetic field |
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KONNO, Tsubasa |
R009-P08 |
Photoelectron extent estimated from spacecraft potential at electric-field waveform distortion |
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KONO, Ryo |
R008-P01 |
High-power laser experiment of collisionless shock generation using light gases |
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R008-P11 |
Numerical calculation of plasma-neutral fluid interactions using PINNs |
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R004-P06 |
Rock magnetism of lava flows in eastern Iceland |
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KOTANI, Tsubasa |
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R008-08 |
Simulation study of the sideband structure of harmonic lower hybrid waves |
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KOUKAMI, Kei-ichiro |
R004-P09 |
Paleomagnetic analyses on the Lutzow-Holm Complex at Skalevikshalsen, East Antarctica |
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KOYAMA, Shungo |
R009-21 |
Laboratory Experiments on SO2 Uptake in H2SO4 via Oxidation by NO2 under Venus-analogous Conditions |
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R009-P24 |
Enhancement of hydrogen escape from the early Martian atmosphere by the precipitation of SEPs |
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KOYAMA, Yukinobu |
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R010-P08 |
Development of supports for handmade globe using 3D printer |
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KOZAI, Masayoshi |
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R007-01 |
Study of north-south anisotropy of galactic cosmic-rays using the muon detector network (2) |
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