著者 |
発表者 |
招待 講演 |
講演番号 |
ショートタイトル |
予稿集本文 |
KASAHARA, Yoshiya |
S002-P04 |
Particle acceleration upon the SSC of May 2024 storm |
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KASAYA, Takafumi |
R003-P05 |
Analysis of Long-Period MT Data using LEMI recording equipment in the Kii Peninsula |
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R009-19 |
Non-hydrostatic global simulations of the Venus atmosphere: effects of vertical convection |
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KATAGIRI, Takashi |
R009-P19 |
Test observations of natural lights by the mid-IR heterodyne spectrometer with the fiber coupler |
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KATAOKA, Ryuho |
R005-P12 |
Temporal variation of NO observed by a multi-frequency mm-wave spectrometer at Syowa Station |
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R006-11 |
Multi-instrument observations of polar rain aurora |
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R006-P27 |
Observation of auroral emission altitude during relativistic electron precipitation events |
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R006-P28 |
Repetition period of REP and chorus observed during the conjunction event of ISS/CALET and Arase |
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R006-P29 |
Characteristics of MeV Electron Precipitation Spectra Observed by CALET/CHD |
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R007-01 |
Study of north-south anisotropy of galactic cosmic-rays using the muon detector network (2) |
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R007-02 |
Cosmic-ray rigidity spectrum during extended Forbush decreases and its implication |
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R010-03 |
Solar cycle and extreme space weather events in the Medieval Solar Activity Maximum |
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R010-14 |
Development of all-sky camera network over Antarctica |
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R010-P02 |
Multipoint spacecraft measurements of the ICME structure in October 2021 |
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R011-12 |
Prospects for generating reanalysis data of the ionosphere based on an emulator of an MHD model |
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R011-15 |
Citizen science of storm-time aurora in Japan |
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S002-07 |
Arase satellite observations of the radiation belts for the May 2024 geospace storm |
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S002-08 |
Ionospheric convection associated with low-latitude auroras - SuperDARN HOP radars observations |
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S002-12 |
Magnetic storm-time auroras as seen from Japan |
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S002-P09 |
Characteristics of low-latitude red/green/blue auroras observed seven times in Japan in 2023-2024 |
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KATO, Akihiro |
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R005-P24 |
An investigation into Plasma Bubble events on CEJ occurrence days in South America |
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KATO, Chiaki |
R005-08 |
Development of suprathermal ion source to calibrate space-based plasma instrument |
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R005-P36 |
On performance evaluation of ion drift velocity analyzer |
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KATO, Chie |
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R004-03 |
Paleointensity study on basalt cores from the Agulhas Plateau drilled during IODP Expedition 392 |
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R004-04 |
Archeointensity increase in Japan estimated from Middle and Late Yayoi potteries of 250 BCE to 50 CE |
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R004-P05 |
Paleomagnetic field variation during the transitional geomagnetic field from lava sequence |
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R004-P06 |
Rock magnetism of lava flows in eastern Iceland |
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KATO, Chihiro |
R007-01 |
Study of north-south anisotropy of galactic cosmic-rays using the muon detector network (2) |
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R007-02 |
Cosmic-ray rigidity spectrum during extended Forbush decreases and its implication |
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KATO, Daiba |
R009-P04 |
Mass analysis of low-energy ions originating from the lunar surface and exosphere |
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KATO, Keisuke |
S001-P01 |
Development of a small tethered balloon system for NLC observation. |
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KATO, Masahisa |
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R009-03 |
Analysis of the lunar surface potential distribution based on a model and Kaguya observations |
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KATO, Sota |
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R005-16 |
Statistical study of mid-latitude plasma bubbles based on GNSS and ionosonde observation |
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KATO, Yuta |
R010-06 |
Enhancement of an Explainable AI Model for SEP Event Prediction and Analysis of Decision Rationale |
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KATOH, Yuto |
R005-P39 |
Wideband impedance probe for measurements of LHR in the ionosphere - Lessons Learned in SS-520-3 |
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R006-06 |
Origins of chorus waves in the inner magnetosphere |
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R006-07 |
Construction of empirical wave power model of chorus waves based on the Arase observation |
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R006-16 |
Theoretical and numerical study of efficient electron acceleration process by kinetic Alfven waves |
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R006-P08 |
Examination of density and temperature in the magnetosphere using the spacecraft potential of Arase |
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R006-P11 |
Test Particle Simulations of Ion Acceleration by BBELF waves at Ionospheric Altitudes |
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R006-P28 |
Repetition period of REP and chorus observed during the conjunction event of ISS/CALET and Arase |
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R006-P32 |
Noon-midnight difference in latitudinal occurrence of chorus waves observed by Arase |
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R006-P35 |
Study of propagation characteristics of EMIC wave using multipoint observation by Arase and Cluster |
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R007-P03 |
Motion of the source region of the type-II solar radio burst in HF frequency range |
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R009-06 |
HF of RPWI aboard JUICE: Lunar-Earth flyby in Aug 2024 and beyond |
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R009-P15 |
Elastic scattering of keV electrons by water molecules around Enceladus: A test particle simulation |
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S002-07 |
Arase satellite observations of the radiation belts for the May 2024 geospace storm |
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S002-P03 |
Investigation of Earth's Magnetospheric Structure During Massive Solar Flare with MHD Simulations |
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R010-P01 |
Hinode observation of long-term variation of magnetic fields in the Sun's polar regions |
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R005-01 |
Laser method of precisely observing the transition region: Resonance-scattering Ca/Ca+ lidar |
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R005-P09 |
Ca/Ca+ resonance-scattering lidar for measuring dynamics in MLT region with a high resolution |
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R004-11 |
Scanning SQUID microscope: Development of post-processing software |
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KAWABATA, Tetsuya |
R005-03 |
Variations in Na D{sub}1{/sub} and D{sub}2{/sub} ratio based on nightglow observations at Tromso |
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R005-P08 |
Development of a the time-delayed multi-beam observation method applied to the Tromso Na lidar |
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KAWABATA, Yosuke |
R006-P45 |
Status of GEO-X mission |
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R006-P08 |
Examination of density and temperature in the magnetosphere using the spacecraft potential of Arase |
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KAWAHARA, Takuya |
R005-02 |
Investigation on K variations during wintertime observed at Syowa Station, Antarctic |
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R005-11 |
Sporadic Ca{sup}+{/sup} layer observed at 100-170 km over Syowa during geomagnetic quiet condition |
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R005-P08 |
Development of a the time-delayed multi-beam observation method applied to the Tromso Na lidar |
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KAWAI, Jun |
R004-11 |
Scanning SQUID microscope: Development of post-processing software |
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KAWAKAMI, Kousuke |
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R006-17 |
The Formation of Low Plasma Density Region in IAR with Ponderomotive Force |
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R005-P05 |
Development of NLC Imager for observation in the high latitude region-The test observation in Kiruna |
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S001-10 |
Preliminary results of LODEWAVE Phase II |
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S001-P01 |
Development of a small tethered balloon system for NLC observation. |
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KAWAKATSU, Yasuhiro |
R006-P45 |
Status of GEO-X mission |
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KAWAMURA, Noriko |
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R004-08 |
The detection of tsunami sediments caused by the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake |
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KAWANO, Hideaki |
R006-P05 |
Large-scale statistical analysis of the magneto-ionospheric current system from QZS-1 and MAGDAS |
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R006-P10 |
FLR frequency and the magnetospheric density estimated by applying the DTFT to the SuperDARN VLOS |
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R005-P37 |
Development of a Neutral Mass Spectrometer NMS for RIDE Rocket Campaign |
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R009-05 |
Improvement of sensitivity and mass resolution by graphene in ion mass spectroscopy |
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R009-P02 |
Performance of the Engineering Model of TRITON for LUPEX |
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R009-P06 |
Engineering model of the ion mass spectrometer for the Comet Interceptor mission |
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R006-16 |
Theoretical and numerical study of efficient electron acceleration process by kinetic Alfven waves |
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KAZAMA, Yoichi |
R006-06 |
Origins of chorus waves in the inner magnetosphere |
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R006-13 |
Magnetospheric source of auroral emission at subauroral latitudes using Arase and ground imagers |
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R006-18 |
The source altitude distribution and heating property of electron conics |
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R006-20 |
Investigation of Omega Band Auroras: Ground and Magnetospheric Conjugate Observations |
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R006-P08 |
Examination of density and temperature in the magnetosphere using the spacecraft potential of Arase |
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R006-P26 |
Statistical Survey of Dayside Energetic Electron Precipitation in the Inner Magnetosphere |
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R006-P32 |
Noon-midnight difference in latitudinal occurrence of chorus waves observed by Arase |
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R006-P33 |
Chorus wave activity at marginal condition of electron temperature anisotropy instability |
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S002-07 |
Arase satellite observations of the radiation belts for the May 2024 geospace storm |
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KEIKA, Kunihiro |
R006-05 |
Magnetic storms of a weakly magnetized planet based on global inner magnetospheric simulations |
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R006-06 |
Origins of chorus waves in the inner magnetosphere |
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R006-13 |
Magnetospheric source of auroral emission at subauroral latitudes using Arase and ground imagers |
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R006-20 |
Investigation of Omega Band Auroras: Ground and Magnetospheric Conjugate Observations |
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R006-29 |
Energy and pitch angle dispersed ion injections from the magnetotail during storms observed by Arase |
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R006-P12 |
Statistical survey of Ion 3D velocity distribution functions observed by the Arase satellite |
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R006-P16 |
Energy-spectral evolution of ring current ions of ionospheric origin during intense magnetic storms |
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R006-P17 |
Does isotropic proton precipitation correspond to isotropic distribution of magnetospheric protons? |
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R006-P26 |
Statistical Survey of Dayside Energetic Electron Precipitation in the Inner Magnetosphere |
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R006-P32 |
Noon-midnight difference in latitudinal occurrence of chorus waves observed by Arase |
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R006-P33 |
Chorus wave activity at marginal condition of electron temperature anisotropy instability |
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R009-13 |
Statistical study of ion escape from Mars during ICME and CIR events based on observations |
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R009-P04 |
Mass analysis of low-energy ions originating from the lunar surface and exosphere |
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* |
S002-06 |
Ring current development observed by the Arase satellite during the May 2024 super geomagnetic storm |
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S002-07 |
Arase satellite observations of the radiation belts for the May 2024 geospace storm |
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S002-P04 |
Particle acceleration upon the SSC of May 2024 storm |
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KEITH, Gendreau |
R010-10 |
X-ray Investigation of non-thermal plasma in "X10,000,000-class" flare of the RS CVn binary star |
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KERO, Antti |
R006-21 |
Estimation of energy of precipitation electrons during magnetic storms |
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