著者 |
発表者 |
招待 講演 |
講演番号 |
ショートタイトル |
予稿集本文 |
R006-P29 |
Characteristics of MeV Electron Precipitation Spectra Observed by CALET/CHD |
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R006-P32 |
Noon-midnight difference in latitudinal occurrence of chorus waves observed by Arase |
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R006-P33 |
Chorus wave activity at marginal condition of electron temperature anisotropy instability |
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R006-P34 |
Frequency spectram of electrostatic waves driven by chorus waves observed by the Arase satellite |
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R006-P36 |
Spatial Distribution of Magnetosonic Waves Observed by the Arase Satellite |
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R006-P38 |
Accuracy evaluation of near-earth geomagnetic data measured by MGF on board the Arase Satellite |
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R009-P08 |
Photoelectron extent estimated from spacecraft potential at electric-field waveform distortion |
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R010-07 |
Solar Wind Parameter Dependence of the Radiation Belt Electron Flux Variations using the XAI |
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R011-08 |
Development of BepiColombo/MMO data archive |
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S002-06 |
Ring current development observed by the Arase satellite during the May 2024 super geomagnetic storm |
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S002-07 |
Arase satellite observations of the radiation belts for the May 2024 geospace storm |
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S002-09 |
Anomalous Increase in Plasma Mass Density Observed during the 2024 Mother's Day Storm |
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S002-10 |
Electron density variation in the plasmasphere and ionosphere during the May 2024 storm |
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S002-P04 |
Particle acceleration upon the SSC of May 2024 storm |
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R005-P31 |
Observations of sporadic E using marine traffic radio waves |
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S002-P05 |
EMIC waves during the May 2024 geomagnetic storm |
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R005-14 |
MAGE model analysis of electric field penetration with a strong substorm on October 24, 2003 |
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R005-P07 |
A New Approach to Measuring Wind Speed with Airglow Imaging of Atmospheric Gravity Waves |
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R005-P13 |
N2+ upflow measurement through 427.8-nm aurora by an FPI: Model calculation for measurement errors |
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R005-P20 |
Study of the airglow responses to magnetic storms by mid-latitude ground and satellite observations |
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R006-11 |
Multi-instrument observations of polar rain aurora |
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R006-13 |
Magnetospheric source of auroral emission at subauroral latitudes using Arase and ground imagers |
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R006-P17 |
Does isotropic proton precipitation correspond to isotropic distribution of magnetospheric protons? |
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R006-P27 |
Observation of auroral emission altitude during relativistic electron precipitation events |
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S002-08 |
Ionospheric convection associated with low-latitude auroras - SuperDARN HOP radars observations |
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S002-11 |
Blue aurora observed from Japan during the May 2024 geomagnetic storm |
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S002-P09 |
Characteristics of low-latitude red/green/blue auroras observed seven times in Japan in 2023-2024 |
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S002-P10 |
TEC Enhancement and Irregularities Over Japan During a Magnetic Storm on May 2024 |
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SHIOTA, Daikou |
R007-04 |
A New Scheme of GS Equation-Based Analysis for Expanding Interplanetary Flux Ropes |
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R010-07 |
Solar Wind Parameter Dependence of the Radiation Belt Electron Flux Variations using the XAI |
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R010-P01 |
Hinode observation of long-term variation of magnetic fields in the Sun's polar regions |
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R010-P02 |
Multipoint spacecraft measurements of the ICME structure in October 2021 |
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S002-02 |
Flare trigger analysis for successive X-class flares in solar active regions 13663 and 13664 |
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S002-03 |
Observations of Solar Radio Bursts Associated with Solar Flares in May 2024 |
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S002-P01 |
Interaction among multiple CMEs to result in May 2024 Superstorm |
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S002-P02 |
Interplanetary scintillation observation and predictability of coronal mass ejections in May 2024 |
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SHIOZAKI, Ichiro |
R003-P05 |
Analysis of Long-Period MT Data using LEMI recording equipment in the Kii Peninsula |
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SHIRAI, Tomoko |
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R011-04 |
Challenges and Prospects of DOI Registration for Research Dat |
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SHIRATORI, Hirohide |
R009-P07 |
Examination of the Method to Estimate the Magnetometer Sensor Alignment on Comet Interceptor |
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SHIROOKA, Ryuichi |
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S001-03 |
High-altitude radiosonde observations using large rubber balloons |
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R006-P31 |
Automatic Extraction of Characteristic Low-Frequency Waves observed by ARASE |
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SHITAOKA, Yorinao |
R004-P12 |
Reconstruction of thermal history of heated artifacts by paleomagnetic and rock magnetic methods |
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SHODA, Munehito |
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R007-09 |
Solar wind modeling based on Alfven waves and interchange reconnection |
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R010-01 |
One-dimensional numerical simulation and empirical construction of Pseudostreamer |
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SHOJI, Yasuhiro |
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S001-07 |
Long-duration continuous observation of planets by the circumpolar stratospheric telescope FUJIN |
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SHUMKO, Mykhaylo |
R006-19 |
The correlation between the luminosity variation of PsA and energy spectra |
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SHUYA, Tan |
R009-P12 |
Crystal Structure of NaCl on Europa's Surface Based on Plasma Irradiation Experiments |
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R005-13 |
Upper thermospheric orthohelium variations associated with a moderate storm on February 2023 |
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R006-11 |
Multi-instrument observations of polar rain aurora |
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SONG, Han |
R003-05 |
MT study in the southern part of Tohoku region |
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SORI, Takuya |
R005-14 |
MAGE model analysis of electric field penetration with a strong substorm on October 24, 2003 |
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R005-15 |
North?south asymmetry during decay phase of midlatitude plasma bubbles during a storm in March 2013 |
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R005-16 |
Statistical study of mid-latitude plasma bubbles based on GNSS and ionosonde observation |
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R005-P15 |
STARLINK satellites and upper atmospheric variations |
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R005-P32 |
Statistical Analysis of the Local-time Dependence of the Coupling between MSTID and Es-layer |
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R011-P08 |
Multimodal Fusion for Spatiotemporal Predictive Learning of Ionospheric Total Electron Content |
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S002-10 |
Electron density variation in the plasmasphere and ionosphere during the May 2024 storm |
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SPRAIN, Courtney J. |
R004-03 |
Paleointensity study on basalt cores from the Agulhas Plateau drilled during IODP Expedition 392 |
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SUANDAYANI, Ni Komang Tri |
R004-09 |
Effects of religious activities on magnetic properties of surface sediments in caldera lakes |
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SUE, Yumika |
R009-05 |
Improvement of sensitivity and mass resolution by graphene in ion mass spectroscopy |
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SUGAWARA, Satoshi |
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S001-08 |
Systematic observations of greenhouse gases and related constituents in the stratosphere |
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S001-02 |
Altitude Control Technique with Latex Balloons for Advanced Upper Air Observations |
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SUGIMOTO, Norihiko |
R009-19 |
Non-hydrostatic global simulations of the Venus atmosphere: effects of vertical convection |
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R009-P27 |
The current state of DRAMATIC MGCM: Towards the multi-scale modeling and data assimilation |
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SUGIOKA, Hiroko |
R003-P03 |
Study of Tide-Induced Electromagnetic Field Response in the Kikai Caldera Sea Area |
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SUGITA, Seiji |
R009-05 |
Improvement of sensitivity and mass resolution by graphene in ion mass spectroscopy |
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R009-22 |
Variations of tropopause height and gravity waves in the Venusian atmosphere |
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SUGIYAMA, Haruki |
R005-07 |
Next-generation atmospheric observation system by micro-/nano-satellites |
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SUGIYAMA, Koichiro |
R009-P28 |
Arsia Mons Elongated Cloud |
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SUMMERS, Danny |
R008-06 |
Nonlinear wave growth theory of chorus emissions with Kappa distribution electrons |
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SUPNITHI, Pornchai |
S002-20 |
Impact of ionospheric activity on air navigation integrity and accuracy in ADS-B |
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SURYANATA, Putu Billy |
R004-09 |
Effects of religious activities on magnetic properties of surface sediments in caldera lakes |
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SUZUKI, Hidehiko |
R005-P05 |
Development of NLC Imager for observation in the high latitude region-The test observation in Kiruna |
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R005-P06 |
Variation of OH Airglow Intensity Associated with EPP in the Polar Mesopause Region |
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S001-P01 |
Development of a small tethered balloon system for NLC observation. |
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SUZUKI, Hikaru |
R005-P12 |
Temporal variation of NO observed by a multi-frequency mm-wave spectrometer at Syowa Station |
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S002-P14 |
Variations in the ozone concentration in the mesosphere at Syowa station associated with EPP |
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SUZUKI, Junko |
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S001-03 |
High-altitude radiosonde observations using large rubber balloons |
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SUZUKI, Ryutaro |
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R010-09 |
Development of Radiation Monitors for Space Weather (RMS) on Geostationary Earth Orbit Satellite |
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SUZUKI, Shin |
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R005-P07 |
A New Approach to Measuring Wind Speed with Airglow Imaging of Atmospheric Gravity Waves |
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SUZUKI, Yudai |
R009-P05 |
Optical Performance Evaluation of Hydrogen Imager onboard the Comet Interceptor Mission |
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R009-P20 |
Development of Multilayer Mirrors Using Metak Alloys |
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SUZUKI, Yuta |
S001-P01 |
Development of a small tethered balloon system for NLC observation. |
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