著者 |
発表者 |
招待 講演 |
講演番号 |
ショートタイトル |
予稿集本文 |
SATOH, Shinnosuke |
R009-P09 |
Plasma parameters at Europa's orbit estimated from the Hisaki observation |
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R009-P11 |
A Multi-Fluid MHD Simulation for Europa's Ionosphere |
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SATOH, Takehiko |
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R009-18 |
Growth and decline of enormous cloud cover in Venus' night-side |
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SATOH, Yasutaka |
R009-P07 |
Examination of the Method to Estimate the Magnetometer Sensor Alignment on Comet Interceptor |
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SATOH, Yuki |
R006-P45 |
Status of GEO-X mission |
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SCHNEIDER, Nicholas M. |
R009-10 |
C{sup}+{/sup} 133.5 nm emission mechanisms on Mars revealed by MAVEN observations |
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R009-11 |
Effects of magnetic field structure on the Martian diffuse aurora |
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SEAMA, Nobukazu |
R003-P03 |
Study of Tide-Induced Electromagnetic Field Response in the Kikai Caldera Sea Area |
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SEGAWA, Tomonori |
R011-08 |
Development of BepiColombo/MMO data archive |
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SEKI, Kanako |
R006-05 |
Magnetic storms of a weakly magnetized planet based on global inner magnetospheric simulations |
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R006-P15 |
Variation of ring current ions during magnetic storms based on the GEMSIS M-I coupled model |
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R006-P16 |
Energy-spectral evolution of ring current ions of ionospheric origin during intense magnetic storms |
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R006-P27 |
Observation of auroral emission altitude during relativistic electron precipitation events |
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R009-09 |
Kelvin-Helmholtz instability at Mars: Properties of plasma boundaries with a large density gradient |
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R009-10 |
C{sup}+{/sup} 133.5 nm emission mechanisms on Mars revealed by MAVEN observations |
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R009-11 |
Effects of magnetic field structure on the Martian diffuse aurora |
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R009-13 |
Statistical study of ion escape from Mars during ICME and CIR events based on observations |
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R009-15 |
Effects of hot oxygen corona on the ion escape from Venus-like planets |
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R009-P11 |
A Multi-Fluid MHD Simulation for Europa's Ionosphere |
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R009-P24 |
Enhancement of hydrogen escape from the early Martian atmosphere by the precipitation of SEPs |
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* |
S002-06 |
Ring current development observed by the Arase satellite during the May 2024 super geomagnetic storm |
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SEKI, Kaori |
R003-P06 |
AMT exploration of Zao Volcano, NE Japan |
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SEKI, Soichiro |
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R009-05 |
Improvement of sensitivity and mass resolution by graphene in ion mass spectroscopy |
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R009-P06 |
Engineering model of the ion mass spectrometer for the Comet Interceptor mission |
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SEKIDO, Harune |
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R008-02 |
Relaxation of the Courant Condition and Reduction of Numerical Errors in the Explicit FDTD Method |
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R008-P10 |
Supressing Numerical Errors from Current Desities in Higher-Order FDTD Method |
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R005-P11 |
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SETO, Yusuke |
R004-10 |
Remanence increases during storage for paleosol samples dried after hydrothermal heating |
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R003-P03 |
Study of Tide-Induced Electromagnetic Field Response in the Kikai Caldera Sea Area |
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SHIKIMORI, Takahito |
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R006-P12 |
Statistical survey of Ion 3D velocity distribution functions observed by the Arase satellite |
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SHIMIZU, Hisayoshi |
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R003-P01 |
Magnetic field variations in Tonga due to Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai volcanic activities in Jan 2022 |
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R009-03 |
Analysis of the lunar surface potential distribution based on a model and Kaguya observations |
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R009-04 |
Solar wind interaction with multiple lunar magnetic anomalies: Kaguya low-altitude observations |
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R009-P03 |
A search for magnetic reconnection signatures on lunar crustal magnetic fields |
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SHIMIZU, Kensaku |
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S001-02 |
Altitude Control Technique with Latex Balloons for Advanced Upper Air Observations |
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SHIMIZU, Tohru |
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R008-19 |
Summary of MHD Linear Theory of Tearing Instability |
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SHIMIZU, Toshifumi |
R010-02 |
Characteristics of sunspots that increase the interplanetary magnetic field |
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SHIMIZU, Toshiyuki |
R011-09 |
Metadata conversion and registration in institutional repositories to improve data availability |
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SHIMOJO, Masumi |
R010-P01 |
Hinode observation of long-term variation of magnetic fields in the Sun's polar regions |
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R010-P03 |
Solar Microwave Observations with the Yokosuka Radio Polarimeter (YoRP) |
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SHIMOOKA, Hikaru |
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R008-P06 |
Reconstruction of MHD structures of magnetic reconnection using PINNs |
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SHINAGAWA, Hiroyuki |
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R005-19 |
Global simulation of atmospheric waves and ionospheric variations generated by tsunamis |
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R005-P41 |
The role of metal ion transport in the sporadic E layer occurrence in the Summer Southern Hemisphere |
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R006-03 |
Abrupt changes in Pc1 pulsations observed at the cusp: A event on 5 November 2023 |
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R009-15 |
Effects of hot oxygen corona on the ion escape from Venus-like planets |
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R009-P11 |
A Multi-Fluid MHD Simulation for Europa's Ionosphere |
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R010-13 |
Development of Upper Atmospheric Assimilative Model using GAIA |
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R011-07 |
Metadata and DOI registrations of GAIA simulation data |
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SHINBORI, Atsuki |
R005-14 |
MAGE model analysis of electric field penetration with a strong substorm on October 24, 2003 |
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R005-15 |
North?south asymmetry during decay phase of midlatitude plasma bubbles during a storm in March 2013 |
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R005-16 |
Statistical study of mid-latitude plasma bubbles based on GNSS and ionosonde observation |
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R005-P32 |
Statistical Analysis of the Local-time Dependence of the Coupling between MSTID and Es-layer |
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R006-04 |
Relationship Between Plasmapause Position and Solar Wind Electric Field Ey |
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R006-06 |
Origins of chorus waves in the inner magnetosphere |
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R006-10 |
A statistical study on energy sources of mid-latitude lower hybrid waves observed by Arase |
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R006-13 |
Magnetospheric source of auroral emission at subauroral latitudes using Arase and ground imagers |
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R006-18 |
The source altitude distribution and heating property of electron conics |
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R006-P08 |
Examination of density and temperature in the magnetosphere using the spacecraft potential of Arase |
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R006-P14 |
Spatial distribution of low-energy (<1 keV) O+ plasma in the inner magnetosphere |
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R006-P21 |
Investigation of the relationship between satellite surface charging and chorus waves |
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R006-P26 |
Statistical Survey of Dayside Energetic Electron Precipitation in the Inner Magnetosphere |
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R006-P28 |
Repetition period of REP and chorus observed during the conjunction event of ISS/CALET and Arase |
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R006-P35 |
Study of propagation characteristics of EMIC wave using multipoint observation by Arase and Cluster |
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R006-P36 |
Spatial Distribution of Magnetosonic Waves Observed by the Arase Satellite |
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* |
R011-06 |
Release of the cross-disciplinary research database AMIDER |
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R011-07 |
Metadata and DOI registrations of GAIA simulation data |
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R011-08 |
Development of BepiColombo/MMO data archive |
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R011-09 |
Metadata conversion and registration in institutional repositories to improve data availability |
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R011-P01 |
Recent activity of the IUGONET project: Update of metadata, data analysis tools and systems |
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R011-P03 |
Processing and noise reduction of the prototype imaging data of the SuperDARN Hokkaido East radar. |
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* |
S002-06 |
Ring current development observed by the Arase satellite during the May 2024 super geomagnetic storm |
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S002-07 |
Arase satellite observations of the radiation belts for the May 2024 geospace storm |
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S002-08 |
Ionospheric convection associated with low-latitude auroras - SuperDARN HOP radars observations |
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S002-09 |
Anomalous Increase in Plasma Mass Density Observed during the 2024 Mother's Day Storm |
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S002-10 |
Electron density variation in the plasmasphere and ionosphere during the May 2024 storm |
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S002-P04 |
Particle acceleration upon the SSC of May 2024 storm |
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S002-P10 |
TEC Enhancement and Irregularities Over Japan During a Magnetic Storm on May 2024 |
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SHINODA, Keiji |
R004-07 |
Process of acquiring remanent magnetization in volcanic rock masses from Tokachi-dake volcano |
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S002-P05 |
EMIC waves during the May 2024 geomagnetic storm |
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R006-04 |
Relationship Between Plasmapause Position and Solar Wind Electric Field Ey |
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R006-06 |
Origins of chorus waves in the inner magnetosphere |
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R006-07 |
Construction of empirical wave power model of chorus waves based on the Arase observation |
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R006-08 |
Analysis of space distribution and propagation properties of low frequency chorus observed by Arase |
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R006-09 |
Evaluation of a direction finding method using NWC transmitter signals observed by the Arase |
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R006-10 |
A statistical study on energy sources of mid-latitude lower hybrid waves observed by Arase |
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R006-13 |
Magnetospheric source of auroral emission at subauroral latitudes using Arase and ground imagers |
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R006-18 |
The source altitude distribution and heating property of electron conics |
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R006-20 |
Investigation of Omega Band Auroras: Ground and Magnetospheric Conjugate Observations |
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R006-27 |
Statistical analysis of the characteristic magnetic structure in Mercury's nightside magnetosphere |
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R006-29 |
Energy and pitch angle dispersed ion injections from the magnetotail during storms observed by Arase |
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R006-P09 |
An Empirical Plasmapause Model using Arase/PWE Data and Machine Learning |
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R006-P12 |
Statistical survey of Ion 3D velocity distribution functions observed by the Arase satellite |
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R006-P13 |
Variations of He++ Ions in the inner magnetosphere at Different L-Shells: Arase LEP-i Observations |
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R006-P14 |
Spatial distribution of low-energy (<1 keV) O+ plasma in the inner magnetosphere |
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R006-P16 |
Energy-spectral evolution of ring current ions of ionospheric origin during intense magnetic storms |
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R006-P17 |
Does isotropic proton precipitation correspond to isotropic distribution of magnetospheric protons? |
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R006-P21 |
Investigation of the relationship between satellite surface charging and chorus waves |
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R006-P24 |
Statistical analysis of pulsating auroras and high-latitude propagation of chorus waves |
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R006-P26 |
Statistical Survey of Dayside Energetic Electron Precipitation in the Inner Magnetosphere |
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R006-P28 |
Repetition period of REP and chorus observed during the conjunction event of ISS/CALET and Arase |
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